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//Automation Warehouse

Automation Warehouse

The automation warehouse or automated warehouse system is an important measure for the logistics to improve the material flow efficiency and adapt to the era of e-commerce. Picking and sorting systems represents one of the most cost-intensive areas in logistics. Fully or partially automated solutions can significantly improve these processes. This will ultimately lead to more efficient processes, increase productivity, reduce costs and shorten delivery time.

When used properly, material handling can improve:

Resource allocation
Production planning
Flow and process management
Inventory management
Customer delivery
Customer service and support

Warehouse Automation

DNC provide fully or partially automated warehouses and logistics solutions in Malaysia to meet our customer needs. Our Industry 4.0 and robotics innovation means our automation solutions are always ready to help our customer to turn their warehouse to smart warehouse. By understanding and analyzing our customer data, we optimize the performance of their operation. Our complete solutions include Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) racking system, pick to light system, dimensional and weighing inspection system, conveying and sorting system and mobile robotic platform vehicle for warehouses, the Agile 1500 from Comau Italy. Our experience engineers will provide local consulting, concept studies, project implementation and customer service, all tailored to the specific requirements of your business.



Material handling is the movement, protection, storage and control of materials and products throughout manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, consumption and disposal. As a process, material handling incorporates a wide range of manual, semi-automated and automated equipment and systems that support logistics and make the supply chain work. Their application helps with: Forecasting, Resource allocation, Production planning, Flow and process management, Inventory management and control, Customer delivery, After-sales support and service

DNC provide material handling system in Malaysia where processes are put in place to improve customer service, reduce inventory, shorten delivery time, and lower overall handling costs in manufacturing, distribution and transportation.
There is a variety of manual, semi-automated and automated material handling equipment and technologies available in DNC Automation to aid in the movement, protection, storage and control of materials and products throughout manufacturing, distribution, consumption and disposal. These include:

Automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS)
Automatic guided vehicles (AGVs)
Automatic identification and data collection
Industrial robots
Integrated material handling systems
Item order fulfilment systems
Cargo lift
Monorails and workstation cranes
Racks, Software, Sortation and Storage

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